Resources: Papers & Publications

Tips for Ridley studies
Dean of Ridley Online, Andrew Malone shares some tips for studying at Ridley. When I enrolled at Ridley twenty years…

Good News of Great Joy
In October, Charlie Fletcher participated in the New Zealand Church Missionary Society (NZ CMS) celebrations of the bicentenary of Christianity…

Temptations in the Workplace
I am researching an article that I have been asked to write on “Why did Jesus spend so much time…

Ending religion won't end the conflict
The Middle East conflict might not be the best advert for religion, but what I cannot understand is the naïve…

Why did Jesus spend so much time in the Marketplace?
As we reflect on the Gospels I think we sometimes view them through the prism of the sacred: a stained-glass…

Why Anglican Ordination?
by Rev Anthea McCall Anthea is the Associate Dean of the Anglican Institute, one of Ridley’s Learning Communities. She also…

The Rise and Fall of the Hipster Church
At that time Frodo was still in his tweens, as the hobbits called the irresponsible twenties between childhood and coming…

Reflections on visiting the Northern Territory with the Archbishop
Ridley student, Duku Atuku reflects on his visit to the Northern Territory The trip was to me an educational tour.…

Dark clouds and silver linings: mission among Buddhists
India was the birthplace of Buddhism some fifteen hundred years ago, and it was appropriately in India that a small…

Remember to Survive: The Strengths of Historic Anglicanism
This is a transcript of the 2013 Anglican Institute Public Lecture by Rt Rev Dr Paul Barnett. Fellow in…

Telegram from Billy Graham accepting invitation to come to Australia in 1959
There has been a discovery of precious documents from the 1959 Billy Graham Crusade in the Ridley Melbourne archives. Among…

Celebrating the Good of Work
A review of Every Good Endeavour by Timothy Keller and Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labour by Ben Witherington III. There is a…

Paul and the Law: What He Does Not Say
As Betz observed in 1979, Paul never says that Christians are supposed to ‘do’ the Torah. This article seeks to…

The Future of Liturgy - An Evangelical Perspective
This lecture will investigate the future of liturgy in order to defend its value while exposing the dangers of cultural…

“Singly, Particularly, Closely”: Edwards as Mentor
Paper by Rhys Bezzant Click the link on the right hand side to download the full document. Excerpt: It is…

Luther's legacy justifies stature in tale of reform
Martin Luther is a towering figure in church history whose influence remains profound. Martin Luther’s writings gripped me at two…

5 tips for creative theological study
After I finished at Ridley last year, I've been thinking back to the beginning. There's an art to studying theology—by…

John Stott’s earthly resting place
Chris Wright recounts the funeral and burial of John Stott. Excerpt: The swallows and martins twittered over our heads, the…

The Domestic Captivity of the Church
Why do churches easily distance themselves from issues of work, politics and ideas? Why do churches focus on ‘family values'?…

Review: A House Divided? by Tom Frame
I loved this book, or should I say books. Tom Frame’s interests range so widely. He guides us through discussions…