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News & Updates

ACT Achieves University Status

We are excited to celebrate that the Australian College of Theology has recently been granted university status by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). This is a significant achievement which reflects the world-class standard of the education provided, and research undertaken by the ACT and its colleges.

As a result of this outcome the ACT will be changing its name to the Australian University of Theology (AUT) and graduating students will now receive their qualifications from AUT.

There are still a number of governmental processes to be finalised before further benefits will be available to students, for example the removal of the Fee-Help loan fee, making higher education more accessible for our undergraduate students.

Dean and CEO of the ACT Professor James Dalziel states, “At the heart of our Christian faith is a sense that we’re not about worldly status and titles. That’s an important message for Christians at all times, but as the ACT enters this new season, we need to remember that our calling is something different to just focusing on status. It’s a calling to faithfully equip people to serve God’s church and God’s world.”

View the ACT’s press release and video announcement here.

We look forward to sharing further updates as they become available, but give thanks to God for this outcome and the opportunities that it will provide.

Revd Canon Dr Rhys Bezzant
Principal, Ridley College